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HPD 2.1.1 - Special Conditions
HPD 2.1.1 - Special Conditions

Creating HPD reports? Add Special Conditions to your substances that might not be perfectly described by their CAS number.

Evelyn Ritter avatar
Written by Evelyn Ritter
Updated over 8 months ago

In the new HPD 2.1.1 standard, special conditions were added to help describe substances for which a content inventory cannot be created, or where it is deemed by the HPDC Technical committee not practical or feasible to do so. For detailed information on special conditions, reference HPDC's Emerging Best Practices guidance

Within 3E Exchange you can incorporate the special conditions by using our special conditions column. You can either add the column to all your BOMs using the Data Templates or click on "Choose Columns" in any one BOM. Then select the check-box next to "HPD Special Condition" and drag it to the best placement for you within the columns. 

Next, enter the BOM where that substance is used. If you use linked materials, be sure to edit the substance within the linked material. Include your substance name under chemical name. Then select the correct special condition in the dropdown. 

Then, within the substance notes, include the information as requested in the standard. The substances notes is the "Notes" column in 3E Exchange. For example for my geological nutrient, I included the following notes: "Version = SCGeoMats/ 2018-02-23, Origin = Southeast United States quarries, This disclosure does not provide typical composition or potential presence of toxic metals or radioactive elements which may be found in certain geological materials."

Next, we will return to your product BOM if you are currently editing a linked material. You can then use the report area to create a new HPD report and you will see the substance treated as a special condition. 

It is then important to go into the product Summary Data and change the HPD Fields to reflect the special condition. In your product BOM, click on the "Data" tab and then "Edit Summary Data". Select the HPD page and edit the fields as specified by the standard. Specifically: 

  • Update your Characterized, Screened and Identified to "Yes ex/SC" if the standard requirements were met using Special Conditions. 

  • Update your Inventory and Screening Notes with which special Condition was applied and the notes as specified in the Special Condition documentation

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