The Portfolio page lets you analyze overviews of substances and hazards across your Products and Materials library. You can configure customized dashboards with multiple data views and filters.
The Portfolio page is available in 3E Exchange Pro and 3E Exchange Team subscriptions. Only Team subscriptions can save and share dashboards.
Content Views
Your Portfolio Dashboard is organized into Content Views. You can arrange your Content Views on the Dashboard in a grid with 3 columns and as many rows as you want.
To add new a data view to your Dashboard, click “Add a Content View.”
To change the width of a view, click the menu in the upper right of the view’s title and select a width of 1, 2, or 3 columns.
To move a view to a different place on the Dashboard’s grid, click and drag on the view’s title.
To change the height of a row, mouse over the bottom of the content view and click and drag the mouse.
To maximize a view, click on the maximize button in the view’s title.
Click the Edit button in the view title to edit the data and filter settings for a view.
Configuring Content Views
First, select a View Type. Use “Substances” to gather information about the substances across your library, and use “Products/Materials” to gather information about either Products or Materials across your library.
Configuring your view:
Scope - determines whether data is pulled from just Products, just Materials, or both Products and Materials
Aggregate By - determines how the data is aggregated
Aggregation Function (Substance Views Only) - determines the value used in charts for substance aggregations
Display - determines whether the view is a data table, pie chart, or bar chart
Filtering data:
You can set filters that will narrow down the Products/Materials that are used as source data. The list of active Products/Materials for the view show up on the right side under “Products/Materials Selected.” Select multiple filter options to include specific filters, or select “off” to disable the filter.
Tag Filter – Filters products/materials with specific tags
Status Filter – Filters products/materials with a specific status set
Supplier Filter – Filters products/materials attached to specific Suppliers
Plant Filter – Filters products/materials made in specific Plants
On List Filter – Filters products/materials that have substances on specific lists (3E Exchange lists or Private Lists)
Off List Filter - Filters products/materials that do not have substances on specific lists (3E Exchange lists or Private Lists)
Summary Data Filter - Filters products/materials based on data in the product/material's Summary Data
CASRN Filter (Substance Views Only) – Filters to only include a list of specific CASRNs.
When you’re done configuring a view, click “Done Editing” and your view will be refreshed.
Sharing a Dashboard
Users with 3E Exchange Team subscriptions can share dashboards. Click the “Share” button, enter an email address, and 3E Exchange will send a link to the dashboard via email.
To share a dashboard with another person, that person needs an account on the Team as a Viewer role. Viewing a dashboard won’t take up a Team Seat.
Creating a Compliance Content View
The Portfolio page also allows you to view aggregated compliance data across your library!
You can create an entirely new dashboard for compliance or you can add a content view to one of you existing dashboards. Both of these selections can be found under your "Edit" tab.
You will then be directed to a page to configure the dashboard view. If you created a new dashboard, you will need to change the title at the very top of the page. In this next step you will be able to configure the specifics of your new Dashboard View pictured in the screenshot below.
Name your Dashboard View something relevant to your compliance needs
If needed, add a description
For the purpose of compliance view, be sure to choose "Products/Materials" for the "Analyze Data About" section
Also be sure to select" Product/Material - Compliance Data" for the "Aggregate By" section
If desired, you may also filter by different tags, statuses, suppliers, and more in the "Filters" section
Once you are done selecting your desired filters, you can save your Dashboard View and you will be directed back to the full Dashboard.
If you have a lot of data, your dashboard may take a minute to process.
You can now use the content view to explore your compliance information.
Clicking on the compliance list names will filter the results.
Selecting on the "Found In" button will allow you to see which products the material is in.
At this point, you can export your data if needed, or add/remove any filters. This will help you in seeing your compliance needs across all of your materials and the main compliance reports!
Getting Help
If you have questions about using 3E Exchange or the material covered in this help article, reach out in chat in the bottom right-hand corner or email [email protected].