Where in 3E Exchange do I find certifications I've already added or add new ones?
There are two locations on 3E Exchange where you can add new certifications to your account.
Click on "Certifications" on the far left toolbar
Click on a product/material record and click on "Certifications" within the record itself
Under both of these options, you will see a button to add a certification:
The difference between 1 and 2 above is that 1 will show you collectively all certifications in your account and 2 will show you which products they are associated with. You will need to make sure you connect the certifications to the correct products or materials in your library.
How can I add public certifications to my 3E Exchange account?
Adding public certifications to your products or materials is very easy and follows similar steps to the previous section.
1) From "My Materials" you can access certifications through the "Certifications" toolbar; after doing so you should notice a tab at the top of your screen labeled "Public Certifications". From here you can use the search bar to locate certifications by name or ID.
2) Once you locate the certificate(s) you would like to add to your library, you may press the checkbox followed by pressing the "Add To My Certifications" button.
3) Now that you have added a public certification to your library, you can apply them to your product/material! This will look exactly the same as if you were adding a certificate to a product by navigating to the middle toolbar after selecting a product/material.
4) In either tab "My Certifications" or "Public Certifications" you will now have the option to select the certificate(s) you would like to directly add onto your product/material.
How do I add a certification to 3E Exchange?
After pressing "+ New Certification" you will be able to enter the following information:
If you're working off of option 1 above, you will be able to connect products/materials from your library to the new certification. If you are working off of 2 above, they will be associated with the product/material that you add them under.
Where can I find Certification IDs?
Where can I find Certification IDs?
In an HPD, you will find the Certificate ID labeled as 'HPD Unique Identifier' at the top of the description section as shown in the screenshot below.
GreenGuard Gold
In a GreenGuard Gold certificate, you will find the Certificate ID labeled as 'Certificate Number' on the top right as shown in the screenshot below.
In a GreenGuard certificate, you will find the Certificate ID labeled as 'Certificate Number' on the top right as shown in the screenshot below.
Cradle to Cradle
In a C2C certificate, you will find the Certificate ID labeled as 'Certificate Number' on the top left as shown in the screenshot below.
What is a "Sold Item"?
A "sold item" refers to any sku that might be correlated with a product or material. For example, if you have a product called "Velvet Chair" in 3E Exchange, it might include alternative data in one BOM for 3 skus (for example purple, blue, and red versions of the chair). All three of these would have differing chemical content data for the differing textile dye ingredients.
If you would like to list out the 3 skus in 3E Exchange
so that the data transfers to catalogs such as mindful MATERIALS as 3 separate records, you can add these are "sold items" under the appropriate product or material record.
This is where you can find that summary data tab:
How do I add a "Sold Item"?
Pressing this button will allow you to add a "sold item" to your account. You can do this for as many skus as you need.
The following fields can be filled out for your "sold items":
Manufacturer Brand
Photo Upload
Link a Certification
How do I Associate "Sold Items" with Certifications?
Each "sold item" can be associated with specific certifications that apply to them. For example, using the Velvet Chair example from about, there might be an instance such as this:
Velvet Chair:
Has an HPD
Has an EPD
Velvet Chair Red (added as a "sold item" under the Velvet Chair product record):
Has a Declare Label
Has an HPD
Has an EPD
Velvet Chair Blue (added as a "sold item" under the Velvet Chair product record):
Has VOC Data
Has an HPD
Has an EPD
The fact that the red chair has a Declare Label and the blue chair has a VOC certification while the other products do not means that they need to be separated out using the "sold items."
Here is where you can assign "sold item" specific certifications:
Getting Help
If you have questions about using 3E Exchange or the material covered in this help article, reach out in chat in the bottom right-hand corner or email [email protected].