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Column Titles and Definitions

Learn more about the column titles in 3E Exchange

Evelyn Ritter avatar
Written by Evelyn Ritter
Updated over 8 months ago

For the columns in 3E Exchange, below we detail the column definitions and how we recommend the data in them to be organized. If another use for the column fits your process better, feel free to use it that way. Custom columns can also be set-up using the BOM Column Template

A (P) indicates that the column is a product-level field, which means it's editable in the Level 1's of a product.

An (M) indicated that the column is a material-level field, which means it's editable in the summary row of a material.

  • % of Wet Ingredient in Final Product (P): If using 3E Exchange Standard Auto-calculations, this is how much of a wet ingredient would be left in a product after chemical or mechanical reactions.

  • % Post-Consumer Recycled Content (M): The post-consumer recycled content by percentage, used in the recycled content calculation.

  • % Pre-Consumer Recycled Content (M): The pre-consumer recycled content by percentage, used in the recycled content calculation.

  • Alternative? (P): This field is used to specify if two or more different chemicals or materials can be used interchangeably at the same position in the hierarchy within a product.

  • Biodegradable? (M): Whether this part is biodegradable. This only needs to be filled out if the part is biodegradable. A blank in this field equates to a "no".

  • Chemical Name (M): The name of a chemical. This field gets filled in once a Registry Number is selected, and cannot be edited unless you've added a custom substance or created a custom chemical name.

  • Chemical Registry Number (M): Also known as CAS number, is a widely recognized unique identifier for chemicals.

  • Cradle to Cradle Notes (M): Information about this part pertaining to Cradle to Cradle certification.

  • Custom Flag: Used to screen against a list, including custom lists. The contents cannot be edited, but the list can be edited via the button in the header.

  • Data Source (M): The originating source of your data.

  • Description (M): Another identifying descriptor for the row of data, typically regarding the substance or part.

  • Description of Rapidly Renewable Content (M): Information about rapidly renewable content (can be used for i.e. wood certifications).

  • Do connections permit easy disassembly? (M): Whether this part can easily be removed from the whole.

  • EC Number (M): The European Commission number, another unique identifier for chemical substances.

  • HPD Special Condition (M): Which HPD Special Condition, if any, applies to this row.

  • Is this part intended to be an EMC? (M): Whether this part is an Externally Managed Component, used in Cradle to Cradle reporting. See the Cradle to Cradle product standard for details.

  • Level (M): The hierarchy of the row. For example, a level 1 row is composed of the level 2 rows below it.

  • Material % by Weight (P): The percent by weight of each chemical or material can be entered here. This percent indicates how much a chemical or material makes up of the next highest level/material (i.e. how much a level 2 component makes up of a level 1 material).

  • Material Family (M): A classification category for your materials.

  • Material Type (M): This field is used specifically for HPD's and provides a broad classification of a material based on chemical makeup and molecular structure.

  • Nanomaterial (M): Define whether a specific chemical is a nanomaterial. Will default to "unknown" if left blank.

  • Notes (M): These notes are used within HPD reporting at both the chemical and material levels.

  • Overall Rating: The overall GreenScreen score for the chemical. Set based on the chemical registry number, and cannot be edited.

  • Part Name (M): The main identifying descriptor for all materials or components.

  • Percent Rapidly Renewable Content (M): The percent of this row that can be grown and harvested in a cycle of fewer than 10 years.

  • Plant (M): The location within your firm where the product or component is manufactured.

  • Product % by Weight (P): The percent by weight of each material or chemical can be entered here, or will be filled in here based on the auto-calculation mode.

  • Quantity (P): The number of each chemical or material used in a particular product. This is multiplied with unit weight in the qty/unit weight auto-calculation settings to create total product weights.

  • REACH/RoHS Flag: Used to screen against the REACH and RoHS lists. Set based on the registry number, and cannot be edited.

  • Recyclable? (M): Whether this part is recyclable.

  • Recycled Content (M): The total recycled content by percentage. Used in HPD reporting.

  • Regulatory Flag: Used to screen against regulatory lists. Set based on the registry number, and cannot be edited.

  • Residuals and Impurities Evaluation Completed? (M): Note whether residuals and impurities testing has been completed to report to HPD.

  • Residuals and Impurities Notes (M): Note any details about residual and impurity research. Used in HPD reporting.

  • Role (P): This field is used specifically for HPD's and captures the substance’s purpose or function for inclusion in the material or product. Examples include binder, anti-microbial, flame retardant, etc.

  • Scrap Rate (M): The average amount of scrap created in producing a component.

  • Supplier (M): The company that provides a specific material. When imported in a material row using extract and link material import, this value will be included as a summary data supplier to send surveys or otherwise track.

  • Supplier Part # (M): The identifier that your supplier uses for their parts/materials.

  • Technical or Biological Nutrient (M): Whether this part is intended to be recycled or go into the biosphere at end of life. Used in Cradle to Cradle reporting. See the Cradle to Cradle product standard for details.

  • Threshold (M): This identifies the concentration above which the manufacturer itemizes the substances present in a material. Only required for the Nested Material Inventory HPD Report.

  • Unit of Measure (M): The units for the imported weights, i.e. g, kg or lbs.

  • Unit Weight (M): The weight of each chemical or material used in a particular product. This is multiplied with quantity in the qty/unit weight auto-calculation settings to create total product weights.

  • URL (M): Note if the URL of an HPD for your material if it is available. Used in HPD reporting.

  • Version Description (M): Note any details about a version's description.

  • Weight (P): The overall weight of the chemical or material used in a particular product. This is used with the weight auto-calculation settings to create percent weights.

  • Wet Material % by Weight (P): If using 3E Exchange Standard Auto-calculations, this is the wet percent by weight of each chemical or material.

  • Wet Product % by Weight (P): If using 3E ExchangeStandard Auto-calculations, this is the wet percent by weight of each material or chemical, or it will be filled in here based on the auto-calculations.

  • Wet Unit Weight (M): If using 3E ExchangeStandard Auto-calculations, this is the wet weight of each chemical or material used in a particular product. This is multiplied with quantity in the qty/wet unit weight auto-calculation settings to create total product weights.

  • Wet Weight (P): If using 3E Exchange Standard Auto-calculations, this is the overall wet weight of the chemical or material used in a particular product. This is used with the weight auto-calculation settings to create percent weights.

  • Yield (M): The manufacturing yield rate for the particular substance or material.

Automatic Matching 

When you import a file, 3E Exchange will recognize certain column header names, and automatically match them to 3E Exchange's pre-defined fields. All columns will get matched by their names in the above section. In addition, here are the other names that will match: 

  • Chemical Registry Number - Chemical Registry Number, Registry Number, Rn, Cas, Casrn, Cas Rn, Cas Number, Cas#, Cas #, Cas Num

  • Material Name (Linked) - Material, Homogenous Material Name

  • Alternative - Alternative?, Alt

  • EC Number - EC-Number, EC, ECN

  • Level - Lvl, Lv

  • Material Name - Material

  • Nanomaterial - Nano

  • Notes - Note

  • Part Name - Part, Component Description 

  • Plant - Plant id, Plant name, Facility, Facility name

  • Proprietary - Proprietary?

  • Quantity - Qty

  • Recycled Content - RC, Recycled

  • Tags - Tag - Separate different tags by Column

  • Threshold - Inv Threshold, Inventory Threshold, Material Threshold

  • Unit of Measure - UOM, Unit, Units

  • Percent Post-consumer Recycled Content - Post consumer, Post-consumer, % Post consumer, etc.

  • Percent Pre-consumer Recycled Content - Percent preconsumer, % pre consumer, pre consumer recycled, etc.

  • Residuals and Impurities Considered? - Residuals and Impurities Considered?, Residuals and Impurities

  • Product % by Weight - Percent by Weight, Percent Weight, % by Weight, % Weight, Product Percent by Weight, Product Percent Weight, Product % Weight

  • Material % by Weight - Component Percent by Weight, Component Percent Weight, Component % by Weight, Component % Weight, Material Percent by Weight, Material Percent Weight, Material % Weight, Homogenous Material Percent by Weight, Homogenous Material Percent Weight, Homogenous Material % by Weight, Homogenous Material % Weight

  • Scrap Rate - Scrap

  • Do connections permit easy disassembly?  - Do connections permit easy disassembly

  • Biodegradable?  - Biodegradable

  • Recyclable? - Recyclable 

  • Cradle To Cradle Notes - C2C notes

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