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Data Import Templates

Effectively import a variety of data types using our various import modes.

Evelyn Ritter avatar
Written by Evelyn Ritter
Updated over 8 months ago

You have successfully collected the data you need to build up your Bill of Materials, either from your company software, an engineer, or by your own research. Now you just have to get that data into 3E Exchange. The following data import templates will help you understand the different data import modes within 3E Exchange and what will work best with your types of data. 

Our import is specifically designed to be flexible to accommodate your source data. For example, the order of the columns going into the 3E Exchange data import don't affect how the data is processed at all. As a result, one of the best ways to use 3E Exchange is to upload your source data directly and use the column header mapping to connect your fields to the fields in 3E Exchange. However, if its easier, feel free to complete the template with your own data and upload that right into 3E Exchange. 

The structure of the templates is specifically set up to allow you to see examples of how the import should be used. The first tab is the empty template with data column headers that match those in 3E Exchange. The second tab contains example data that demonstrates a good way to use the import. The final tab contains instructions how to use that import type. Read about each import type below to determine which will work best for your data. 

**Please remove all hyperlinks from Excel before uploading**

Simple Product BOM Import

This is the simplest product import to demonstrate importing data about an entire product. It's a great place to start if you are just getting up to speed within 3E Exchange. This import is best used when you have chemical information about your product and the materials contained will only be used on that specific product. 

Simple Material Import

This template imports data about a material or component that makes up a product. This import is best used when you have chemical or sub-component information about what makes up a material or component. This material can then be connected to one or multiple products. 

This is another product import. It is one of our most commonly used import types once customers have become familiar with the tool. This import is best used to import data about a product whose materials should be stored as separate materials, but are not yet in your 3E Exchange Materials Library. 

Materials Library Import

This import is used to import a library of materials and any relevant content data about those materials. This is a great way to quickly build up materials in the 3E Exchange system that can then be used in various products. This import is best for a list of materials that includes suppliers or material content information. 

This import shows the simplest way to import both products and materials in bulk. This is best used when you are importing new products that consists of materials. Within the "advanced options" of the import workflow, ensure the setting to "Extract and link materials" is enabled.

All Fields Import

This template contains all the standard 3E Exchange fields for importing. This allows you to view all the types of data that can be stored in a BOM within 3E Exchange and can be used to create a custom import. Any field can be filled in or left blank. You can also add your own columns, which will be imported as custom columns.

HPD Import Template

This template specifically includes the fields relevant for creating an HPD. The example can be used to see what fields are relevant for individual materials versus chemicals. Any type of weight data can be used in this template, but only one type is needed. 

Declare Label Import Template

This template specifically includes the fields relevant for creating an Declare Label. The example in this template can be used to see what fields are relevant for individual materials versus chemicals. Any type of weight data can be used in this template, but only one type is needed. 

Supplier Data Import Details

When you import supplier information, we recommend importing based on both Supplier Name ("Supplier" in 3E Exchange) or Supplier ID ("Supplier ID" in 3E Exchange). If you import both, we will match the values based on whichever one matches if there is a mismatch in one. It may incorrectly import if the the Supplier Name and the Supplier ID match to two different suppliers. 3E Exchange will create new records for any new suppliers added via the import. If one of Supplier and Supplier ID matches an existing record, 3E Exchange will match to that existing record and not create a new supplier record.

Supplier Contact Import

This template includes the fields relevant for importing supplier contact information. The example in this template can be used to see what fields are relevant for suppliers with up to 3 contacts. 3E Exchange's supplier import process supports up to 10 different contacts, therefore you can add columns as needed to import up to 10 contacts. 

Summary Data Import

These templates include field that are relevant for importing summary data to your existing products and materials. You may wish to export your current summary data before proceeding with the import. Also note the "Pages and Fields Key" tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet for more information on how you should format your summary data import.

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