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Feature Release - May 24, 2021
Feature Release - May 24, 2021

Take a look at all the new changes in 3E Exchange- specifically designed to make YOUR experience easier and more enjoyable!

Joe Marino avatar
Written by Joe Marino
Updated over a year ago

The team at 3E Exchange has been working on a product release and we’re excited to announce our launch! This round of new and improved features has been entirely focused on ease-of-use and making common workflows easier to use and more accessible! Below you will find an overview of all the new features and improvements. Keep reading for an informational video and links to instructional help articles!

Table of Contents:

Importing Data

“Import Data” is now a guided workflow you can start at the top of your Library.

  • Every type of import is now accessible in the "Import Data" drop-down. This includes BOM data, SDS data, and even supplier contact information.

  • If you're new to 3E Exchange, we also have a "Help me decide" option to help you understand what type of import you need.

  • The workflow will guide you through each step of the import, making it easy for every type of 3E Exchange user!

Creating a Declare Label

Creating and submitting a Declare Label just got easier –“Submit Declare Label” is now a guided workflow you can start at the top of your Library. This workflow will guide you through the process of creating a Declare label step-by-step, with checkpoints that make sure you're filling out the data completely according to the Declare standards.

  • The workflow will guide you through each step of creating the Declare Label, making it easy for every type of 3E Exchange user, even brand-new users!

  • You will now be taken through every required page and required fields will be clearly marked to make sure you're providing all the necessary data to the Declare team. You will not be able to move forward without completing the required fields, making your Declare submissions much more likely to be approved by the Declare team!

Creating an HPD

Creating and submitting an HPD just got easier –“Create HPD” is now a guided workflow you can start at the top of your Library. This workflow will guide you through the process of creating an HPD step-by-step, with checkpoints that make sure you're filling out the data completely according to the HPD standards.

  • The workflow will guide you through each step of creating an HPD, making it easy for every type of 3E Exchange user!

  • Similar to the Declare workflow, you will now be taken through every required page and required fields will be surfaced as an error if missing. However, you will be able to move forward if the required fields are missing. Note that if you do not complete all required fields in 3E Exchange, you will need to complete them after transferring the data to the HPD Builder.

Creating a Compliance Report

Creating a compliance report just got easier –“Create Compliance Report” is now a guided workflow you can start at the top of your Library. This workflow will guide you through the process of creating a compliance report step-by-step, with checkpoints that make sure you're filling out the data completely.

  • The workflow will guide you through each step of creating a compliance report for one product OR several, making it easy for every type of 3E Exchange user with the compliance feature set!

  • For a single product, you will be taken to the compliance determination page for every regulation that you've chosen, giving you the opportunity to review and edit compliance data while creating your report!

Product & Material Pages

The BOM view has greater visibility to all things related to the product/material: compliance determinations, data pages (general, HPD, Declare, etc.), product settings, and more!

  • All data pages for a product or material are now clearly visible in the BOM record. This includes compliance pages, publication history, general information, sustainability reporting page, any custom pages you've created, and product settings!

  • Your BOM records are now customizable as well. Within "Favorite Pages" you can define which pages are most relevant for you.

  • And of course, you can manage your Auto-calculation settings, permissions, and more in your "Product Settings" like always!

Managing your Library & System-Wide Settings

You can now define system-wide settings for things like default weight unit, manufacturer information, and export settings! These were previously located in the BOM records of your products and materials - this change will make it easier to manage your preferences all in one place.

  • All of the "global settings" (settings that are saved and used universally across the platform) can be found under the new App Settings page. This is a great place to set up when you first get a 3E Exchange account or when you decide to change how you manage and report your data.

  • Manufacturer Information (your company name, address, logo, etc.) is another page to set up when you first get a 3E Exchange account or when your company changes location or branding. This will be used for all of your reports and supplier survey branding!

We are so excited to be sharing these changes with you and look forward to hearing about the benefits these changes may provide!

Getting Help

If you have questions about using 3E Exchange or the material covered in this help article, reach out in chat in the bottom right-hand corner or email [email protected].

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