Some data fields in 3E Exchange have been updated to provide users with more options on reporting their product data. These data fields will also support users in publishing their data onto the mindful MATERIALS (mM) portal.
This data page has been updated to include a section for reporting on Recycled Content. The values on this page are calculated from your BOM using the columns: % Post-Consumer Recycled Content, % Pre-Consumer Recycled Content, and Recycled Content. Therefore, make sure that you have the recycled content data entered correctly in your BOM.
More information on recycled content calculations in 3E Exchange here: Recycled Content and Scrap Rate Auto-Calculations
VOC Data
This is a brand new data page that we have added for users to report on VOC data. Each tab on this page (Transparency, Assessments & Commitments, and Optimization) contains multiple questions and data fields for users to input information. Any certification that is added on these tabs will also be linked to the overall product/material record in 3E Exchange and will be available in the Certifications page of the product/material record.
The VOC data on this page will not be transferred to VOC data fields on the HPD Data and Declare Label Data pages.
Lifecycle Impacts (previously Sustainability page)
This data page has been revamped to give users more data fields to report on the lifecycle impacts of their products. Similar to the VOC Data page, any certification that is added on the tabs within this page will also be linked to the overall product/material record in 3E Exchange and will be available in the Certifications page of the product/material record.
Getting Help
If you have questions about using 3E Exchange or the material covered in this help article, reach out in chat in the bottom right-hand corner or email [email protected].